Standing Sun Productions will be releasing an audio book of Charles M. Sheldon’s novel Jesus is Here!, the 1913 sequel to his acclaimed story In His Steps. The audio book will be recorded by Zack Lawrence, writer/director of Standing Sun’s movie adaptation of In His Steps, which celebrated its tenth anniversary this year. A new print and e-book edition of the novel will be published by Standing Sun Productions as well.
Jesus is Here! takes place about 17 years after the end of In His Steps. The story revisits many of the characters from the first book and puts them in a unique situation by asking the question, “What would happen if Jesus came back today?”
In the preface of the book, Charles Sheldon was very clear that his aim was not to tell an “End Times” story:
It has not been my purpose to describe what is called the ‘second coming’ of Christ, but to picture another appearance of Jesus, and describe his action in a modern world. The world today… is so different, that entirely new problems relating to human conduct face the modern Christian. …[W]hat would be the attitude of Jesus as he faced the complex conditions of modern society?
Charles M. Sheldon, Preface, Jesus is Here!
This audio release will mark the start of Standing Sun Productions’ pivot from filmmaking to audio productions. Projects in development include audio dramas, poetry videos for homeschool curriculum, audio books, and more.
After nearly twenty years of being a filmmaker, various health issues have made it necessary for me to pivot to the world of voice over and audio production. I’ve been incredibly grateful to the members of my Patreon that have stuck with me and have been supporting me through this transition.
Zack Lawrence, Owner, Standing Sun Productions
Members of Zack Lawrence’s Patreon have been given exclusive early access to the Jesus is Here! audio book as production of each chapter is completed. They are also given access to a Patreon-exclusive commentary podcast by Zack and his wife Natalie discussing the story. At the time of this article, the first three chapters of the book and the first episode of the podcast are now available, with the fourth chapter coming later this week. More information can be found at patreon.com/ZackLawrence.
The completed Jesus is Here! audio book will be released to various audio book platforms in 2024.